Bart Kreps
Executive Vice President

Bart Kreps


Master of Business Administration in Finance & Environmental Management – The University of Tennessee (2002); Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance – James Madison University (1998)


Series 50 Municipal Advisor Representative


About Bart

Bart has been with Raftelis since 2002, managing a variety of projects to assist water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities in addressing economic and financial issues. Key areas of focus include: utility rate, cost-of-service, and financial planning studies; capital financing plan development; bond forecast and feasibility studies; economic impact assessments; and system development fees studies. Bart has extensive experience in financial forecasting and modeling including the application of advanced techniques in risk management. Bart’ background is focused predominantly on public finance. He has assisted many utilities in designing optimal capital financing plans and has developed numerous financial feasibility reports and forecasts related to more than $1 billion in revenue bond sales. Bart is the current lead of the Virginia AWWA/WEA Financial Management Subcommittee. He also authored a chapter entitled, “Evaluating Risk in Capital Planning, Financing, and Rate Setting,” for the Fourth Edition of the industry guidebook, Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing: The Changing Landscape. Prior to joining Raftelis, Bart served as fixed income analyst for Wells Fargo Securities, in the company’s Capital Markets Group.

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