George Raftelis
Founder & Chair Emeritus

George Raftelis


Masters in Business Administration – Duke University (1975); Bachelors of Science in Mathematics and Economics – Eckerd College (1969)

About George

George has more than 35 years of experience in utility finance, rate setting, strategic planning, resource conservation, and related areas. He has served as Partner-in-Charge, Project Manager, Technical Advisor, or Lead Consultant on projects for more than 300 government utilities in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, and the Caribbean. Mr. Raftelis has been very involved in water and wastewater industry associations and has held numerous leadership positions including serving as the chair of AWWA’s Management Division and the Rates and Charges Committee. In addition, Mr. Raftelis served as the primary editor and authored the first chapter entitled, “Overview and Industry Trends and Challenges,” for the Fourth Edition of the industry guidebook, Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing: The Changing Landscape. This book has become an authoritative document for establishing utility financing plans and pricing structures. He also co-authored the AWWA’s Revenue Requirements Manual and is often quoted in industry and finance publications and at industry forums.

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