Master of Science – Carnegie Mellon University (2006); Bachelor of Arts – Princeton University (2004)
Series 50 Municipal Advisor Representative
Rocky has been with Raftelis for more than 17 years helping utilities and the public sector develop solutions to their unique financial and operational challenges. Rocky’s core focus has been water, wastewater, and stormwater financial planning and rate studies and now assists utility and public sector partners in a number of areas, including financial and strategic planning, plan implementation, rate and fee studies, cost of service, benchmarking and metric tracking, risk analysis, utility policy, rate cases, financial capability assessments, and staff augmentation. Rocky has experience engaging boards, councils, multiple partner organizations, and the public to discuss complex and challenging issues and work toward consensus. In addition to project work, Rocky leads several program areas within Raftelis. He is the executive lead for Ellio, our cloud-based tool for planning implementation, financial modeling, and peer benchmarking. Rocky is also the executive lead for Raftelis’ Sustainability and Climate Resilience Community of Practice. Rocky oversees Raftelis’ many survey efforts, including the biennial national Water and Wastewater Rate Survey, which is co-produced with the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the INSIGHT Survey, which is produced by the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA). Within the utility industry, Rocky is an active member of AWWA, AMWA, and the Water Environment Federation (WEF), WEF’s Utility Management Community and chair of WEF’s Finance Focus Group. Additionally, the leading industry resource on wastewater cost of service guidance is the Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) Manual of Practice #27, Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems, and Rocky is currently the lead editor and author of the fifth edition for this industry manual.