Sudhir Pardiwala, PE
Senior Principal

Sudhir Pardiwala, PE


Master of Business Administration – University of California, Los Angeles (1982); Master of Science in Chemical Engineering – Arizona State University (1976); Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering – Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (1974)


Registered Professional Engineer: CA (Chemical (1981) and Civil (1988))
Series 50 Municipal Advisor Representative


About Sudhir

Sudhir has 40 years of experience in financial studies and engineering. He has extensive expertise in water and wastewater utility financial and revenue planning, valuation, and assessment engineering. He has conducted numerous water, wastewater, stormwater, and reclaimed water rate studies involving conservation, drought management, risk analysis, as well as system development fee studies, and has developed computerized models for these financial evaluations. Sudhir has assisted public agencies in reviewing and obtaining alternate sources of funding for capital improvements, including low-interest state and federal loans and grants. He has assisted several utilities with State Revolving Fund and Water Reclamation Bond loans. Sudhir authored the chapter on reclaimed water rates in the Manual of Practice No. 27, Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems, published by the Water Environment Federation (WEF). He also authored a chapter entitled, “Recycled Water Rates,” for the Fourth Edition of the industry guidebook, Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing: The Changing Landscape. Sudhir was vice-chairman of the California-Nevada AWWA Business Management Division and Chairman of the Financial Management Committee.

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