District of Columbia Department of Public Works

Washington D.C., United States of America

Raftelis, along with our partner Opportunity Knocks, Inc. (OKI), was engaged by the District of Columbia Department of Public Works to perform strategic planning development and workforce assessment services. One of the main drivers was to engage Raftelis for these services was to prepare for imminent succession planning needs and help develop an organizational roadmap for the future.

As part of the strategic planning process, Raftelis engaged stakeholders to develop a sense of each participating stakeholder’s five-year vision and goals. Raftelis interviewed numerous DC-area stakeholder organizations and incorporated the feedback into the goals and strategies of the new strategic business plan. For the workforce planning portion of the engagement, Raftelis has leveraged the new strategic business plan and is assessing the organization’s current workforce development needs.

The workforce assessment has evaluated the current workforce’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to identify priority issues that need to be addressed to adequately identify gaps in the organization’s current work force succession plans. As part the analyses for the assessment project, Raftelis has reviewed position descriptions to catalogue criticality of positions and identify which positions are more difficult to fill. Raftelis is also performing a training needs assessment and gap analysis that identifies work force competencies that are necessary to achieve strategic objectives and successfully replace lost staff knowledge due to attrition.

Raftelis used the new strategic plan and findings of the workforce assessment to develop a final report, roadmap, and strategic framework the organization can use to successfully tackle the environmental and workforce opportunities that lie ahead. With Raftelis’ support, the Department will be well positioned for future success.

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