Harold Smith
Senior Principal

Harold Smith


Master of Business Administration – Wake Forest University (1997); Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources – University of the South (1987)


Licensed Professional Geologist
Series 50 Municipal Advisor Representative



About Harold

Harold leads our Denver Office and is a nationally recognized expert in water and wastewater finance, management, and pricing. For more than 25 years, he has focused on advising municipal water and wastewater utilities throughout the United States. Harold has participated in a variety of projects to assist water and wastewater utilities focusing on financial, management, and public policy requirements. His broad-based experience includes cost-of-service and rate analyses, development of comprehensive financial plans, utility impact fee studies, revenue bond feasibility studies, management studies, and strategic planning. Harold is the past-Chair of the AWWA Strategic Management Practices Committee and is a member of the Financial Management Committee of the New England Water Works Association. Harold also co-authored a chapter entitled, “Role of the Private Sector and Alternative Project Delivery Methods,” for the Fourth Edition of the industry guidebook, Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing: The Changing Landscape.

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