Henrietta Locklear, MPA
Senior Vice President

Henrietta Locklear, MPA


Master of Public Administration — University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2004); Deil S. Wright Award for Outstanding Capstone Paper Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2002); Phi Beta Kappa; Order of the Golden Fleece


Series 50 Municipal Advisor Representative



About Henrietta

Henrietta has 18 years of experience in local government finance and stormwater management. She specializes in working with local government staff, stakeholders, and elected officials to identify solutions and implement programs to meet environmental and public health challenges. Henrietta is experienced in governmental financial analysis and planning, particularly in stormwater utility implementation and rate studies. She is also experienced in all aspects of utility implementation, with particular focus on policy analysis and development, and data and billing system implementation. She has studied fee credit programs and served as project lead on credit program development for several large stormwater utilities. Henrietta has worked with more than 50 local governments on stormwater funding analyses, fee feasibility, or implementation projects and has served as project manager for more than 15 stormwater utility fee implementation projects. She was a member of the working group that developed the certification test for American Public Works Association’s (APWA) Stormwater Manager Certification. She was also a reviewer for the Water Environment Federation’s Special Publication entitled, User-Fee-Funded Stormwater Programs, 2nd Edition. In addition, Henrietta co-authored two chapters in the industry guidebook Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing: The Changing Landscape, which are entitled, “Public Outreach and Gaining Stakeholder Commitment” and “Expanding Financing and Pricing Concepts into Stormwater.” Henrietta has a wealth of experience with public input processes. On a variety of projects, she has developed and facilitated public stakeholder processes, outreach strategies, and education campaigns for programs ranging from stormwater utilities and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance efforts to brownfields, on-site wastewater, and hazard mitigation programs. Her strengths include: policy analysis and development; research methods, including survey development and administration; data analysis; local government finance; stakeholder facilitation; and strong written and oral communication skills. Recently, she has also focused on developing utility customer assistance and affordability programs.

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