Rob Ori, CPA
Senior Principal

Rob Ori, CPA


Master of Business Administration, Accounting – Rollins College (1985); Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Accounting – University of Central Florida (1977)


Certified Public Accountant, Florida


About Rob

Rob has: 1) performed utility revenue sufficiency and cost-of-service studies for over 175 local governments; 2) prepared financial feasibility and disclosure reports for approximately 90 transactions totaling over $7.5 billion in proceeds in the traditional bond market, state revolving loans and rural development loans; 3) prepared financial due diligence evaluations for over 35 utility transactions; 4) served as the public service commission staff in the evaluation of franchised utility rate cases and has submitted testimony as an expert witness in support of rates; and 5) developed specialized rates such as low and high pressure reclaimed water rates, raw water rates, conservation rates, wholesale service and emergency service rates, development charges, and miscellaneous customer service rates. Rob has also been involved in the preparation of the capital improvement element for comprehensive land use plans, development and monitoring of municipal budgets, preparation of financial policies regarding liquidity and financial position, developed extension policies and agreements, assisted in development of service and capacity sales agreements and participated in contract negotiations, provided litigation support litigation services, and other related accounting, utility and public management advisory services.

Rob has been a frequently invited speaker addressing rate, accounting, and industry issues and has recently been involved in the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Rates and Charges Committee and the Finance, Accounting and Management Controls Committee. He is a contributing author to the newest addition of AWWA’s Manual of Practice No. 29, Fundamentals of Water Utility Capital Financing, Fourth Edition and for the most recent published volume of AWWA’s Manual of Practice No. 1, Principles of Water Rates, Fees and Charges, Seventh Edition and Contributing Author for the Water Environment Federation’s 2017 published special publication, The Water Reuse Roadmap.

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