Scott Parker
Vice President

Scott Parker


Master of Public Administration – University of Missouri; Master of Arts, History – University of Arkansas-Fayetteville; Bachelor of Arts in History – Graceland University


About Scott

Scott has over 20 years of experience in local government, utility management, and private consulting. Prior to joining Raftelis, he served as the Asset Manager for KC Water in Kansas City, Missouri. Before KC Water, he served as the Assistant Director for Public Works in both Olathe and Lenexa, Kansas, where he led the finance, data management, solid waste, field operations (streets, utilities, traffic), and communications divisions, and managed multiple Police, Parks, and Fire Department capital projects. He also has private consultant experience providing capital planning, financial analysis, data system, asset management, and interim-executive services to Ft. Smith, Arkansas; Jackson, Mississippi; and Kansas City, Kansas, all of whom had signed Federal Consent Decrees with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Scott’s wide range of experience has given him extensive leadership and technical expertise in the fields of asset management, information technology, general management, and operations in multiple domains. This has allowed him to design, develop, and implement asset management programs in three (3) communities based on capital optimization strategies and asset management best practices as defined in ISO 55000 and 55001 and ISO 31000 standards and other industry criteria. As an Asset Management practitioner, Scott has used his understanding of the field to design teams that combine the best theoretical concepts of asset management with the opportunities and cultural circumstances specific to the organizations for which he has worked. He has demonstrable experience working with multiple data technologies and systems in the asset management and utility space, including multiple Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) platforms; ESRI Geospatial Products; Autodesk GeoBIM; Innovyze hydraulic modeling and asset management software; and various Closed Circuit Television technologies utilized for Sanitary and Stormwater Assessments which utilize NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) standards. In Kansas City, he developed the organization’s first data management strategic plan as well as its Business Case Evaluation criteria for information technology purchases, which led to both optimization of existing systems and reductions in the cost for new tools utilized in the department.

Scott has developed business risk exposure (Consequence and Likelihood of Failure) models utilized for investment decisions across multiple asset classes, including streets, water, sewer, and stormwater. In Kansas City, he helped reconceptualize and reformulate the criteria for the utility’s Annual Sewer Rehabilitation and Water Main Replacement Programs (total value $65m/year) to a truly risk-based model from a break and fix model. He also led multiple cross-functional teams in the development of software applications and dashboards, including one that integrated as-built project information from city staff, consultants, and contractors working on the Consent Decree (40+ projects; 80+ discrete users; 35,000 work orders; projects valued over $100 million) at no extra cost to the utility.

Scott has led the development of multi billion-dollar capital improvement plans in communities throughout the country as both an employee and consultant. He has extensive experience with all elements of utility capital planning, financing, and project delivery, particularly all fiduciary components related to enterprise funds (Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Solid Waste); rate structure analysis and recommendations to governing bodies; bond sales and refinancing; long-term debt outlooks; and allocations of revenue and expense. At KC Water, he developed an alternative capital plan that was utilized for the Consent Decree renegotiations with the EPA and reduced the city’s commitment by $1.3 billion over the original program, while assuring more time to meet the tenants of the decree. He also created the Business Case Evaluation model for capital improvement projects, which has been recognized by the WEF Water Intraprenuers for Successful Enterprises (WISE) program of industry leaders. He managed the successful selection (valued at $100 million) of State Revolving Funds (SRF) for the $160 million Blue River Treatment Plant Solids Handling project.

Scott has been a frequent presenter at multiple national and regional conferences on topics including general asset management, data management, and the application of asset management principles in specific operational and administrative environments. He has written or been featured in several articles focused on business process modeling, asset management, and water management and acts as a co-lead on the Water Environment Federation’s WISE Data, Technology and Innovation team. He co-authored the white paper for WISE on the criteria and approach to Business Case Evaluations in capital planning.

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