Theresa Jurotich, PE, PMP

Theresa Jurotich, PE, PMP


Master of Science in Science and Technology Studies – Virginia Polytechnic and State University (2003); Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering – University of Missouri – Columbia (1996); Bachelor of Arts in English – University of Missouri – Columbia (1996)


PE – Kansas and Washington; PMP


About Theresa

Theresa has 23 years of experience in the water and wastewater industries and in the energy industry, split between traditional and alternative technologies. She is skilled in leading feasibility studies and economic analyses (including development of pro forma model inputs) for water and wastewater system capital improvement projects, as well as a variety of traditional and renewable energy technologies. Theresa routinely performs water and wastewater rate studies, including investigating alternative rate structures, conducting utility-basis evaluations of outside-city rates, and bond financing feasibility studies. She also supports Asset Management efforts including training users on how to collect asset data and use asset management tools, performing gap assessments, designing likelihood and consequence of failure definitions and risk scoring protocols.

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