WRF webinar: Financial resiliency during droughts

June 26, 2015

Raftelis Senior Manager Sanjay Gaur will be presenting along with Robert Shaver, the General Manager of Alameda County Water District, in an upcoming Water Research Foundation webinar discussing financial resiliency during droughts.

Utilities need to maintain their financial stability during droughts and be well prepared for future drought-related events. This webcast, hosted by WRF, will answer many fundamental questions related to financial resiliency and drought, such as: What is the financial cost of a drought?; What is the impact of drought pricing to customers?; and, How can water rates help you achieve your goals? It will touch on choosing an approach that’s best suitable for each community as well as who should cut back on their water use and by how much.

Title: WRF Drought Webcast Series: Financial Resiliency During Droughts
When: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 (3pm to 4pm ET)

Sanjay Gaur, Vice President

Robert Shaver, General Manager
Alameda County Water District

Jonathan Cuppett, Research Manager
Water Research Foundation

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