The City of Bloomington (City) began a systematic process of assessing each City department, under the leadership with Mayor John Hamilton. The City engaged Raftelis to lead these efforts. To date, detailed assessments have been completed for the following departments: Finance/Controller; Public Works; Utilities; Transportation and Planning; Legal; Human Resources; Information Technology; and the Police and Fire Departments. Assessments were also completed for the Housing and Neighborhood Development Department; Economic and Sustainable Development Department; the Office of the Mayor; and the City’s various Boards and Commissions.
As part of this process, the City retained the firm in 2019 to conduct a staffing and operations assessment of its Police Department. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the City’s police staffing and deployment approach within the context of workload patterns and trends and to determine what opportunities may exist to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the City’s public safety services. We continue to work with the City on a variety of projects.