Spartanburg Water System

Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Raftelis has provided financial consulting services to Spartanburg Water, which includes both a water system (Spartanburg Water System or SWS) and a sewer system (Spartanburg Sanitary Sewer District or SSSD) since 1994. Our services have included developing financial planning and rate models, conducting annual rate updates, developing bond feasibility reports for inclusion in revenue bond official statements, calculating miscellaneous fees and capacity fees, examining the feasibility of acquiring small water systems within Spartanburg County, and developing a methodology for calculating wholesale water rates.

Raftelis built financial planning and rate models in 1994 for both the water and the sewer systems. The models were utilized and updated each year by Raftelis to provide rate recommendations for each fiscal year and to assess rate impacts of major bond issue, subsequent bond refundings, and a substantial reduction in purchased water by a large wholesale customer.  Raftelis rebuilt the models in 2020 so that annual updates can be continued in the near future for determination of rate adjustments, customer impacts, and in support of financial planning objectives.

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