Raftelis, in conjunction with Navillus Utility Consulting LLC, has provided electric, natural gas, water, and wastewater financial and rate consulting services for the City of Orangeburg Department of Public Utilities (ODPU) since 2015. In 2015, as a subconsultant to Navillus, Raftelis was engaged by ODPU to perform an update to financial planning and cost of service models for all four utilities. After updating the cost-of-service analyses, it was determined that rate increases for the water and wastewater utilities were necessary for Fiscal Year 2017. In addition to updating ODPU’s cost-of-service models, Raftelis assisted in the preparation of a 2016 Report on Rates describing the detailed cost-of-service analyses performed for each utility and recommending rate adjustments where appropriate.
In 2019, Raftelis was engaged by ODPU to perform a financial planning study for all four utilities. Facing significant capital reinvestment needs over the next ten year for all four utilities, ODPU engaged Raftelis to develop a system-wide cash flow model to model and compare various financing plans to fund the four-system Capital Improvements Plan. The financing plans relied on a blend of debt and equity financing mechanisms. Raftelis modeled the capital financing plans and assisted in the evaluation and presentation of funding alternatives. Raftelis continues to support ODPU with ongoing miscellaneous rate and financial planning support.