City of San Diego

San Diego, California, United States

The City of San Diego (City) provides retail water, wastewater, and recycled water service to approximately 1.4 million people in metropolitan San Diego County. Raftelis has worked with the City on several financial and rate consulting engagements over the years. We are currently serving as the City’s financial consultant responsible for completing comprehensive financial plan and cost-of-service studies for the City’s water, wastewater, and recycled water utilities. Our project tasks include: 1) assisting the City’s Public Utilities Department develop financial plans and revenue requirement forecasts; 2) completing the cost-of-service and rate structure analysis for the City’s retail water, wastewater and recycled water utility operations; 3) public presentations to the City’s Independent Rate Oversight Committee; and 4) coordinating stakeholder messaging with the City’s public outreach team.

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